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rPPG Experience Zone


Community Wellness Station

Company :

GovTech SG

Collaborator :

SP Fablab

Photo credits :

Poh Yun Ru

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Community Wellness

Trigger Design Studio was approached by the GovTech team to design a temporary housing for the new public contactless health scanning station developed by GovTech for Singapore’s general public communities.

Trigger Design worked closely with Govtech’s internal team to explore the design, interactions and experiences for the general public. We carried out multiple user studies, prototypes, eventual planning and execution of the pilot stations at two neighborhood Community Hubs in Tampines and Bedok.

Designing for Familiarity

As with all new technology, it takes time for even the youth to get acclimatized to. What happens when you are designing for the general public?

We used ‘Designing for Familiarity’ to guide our decision-making throughout the entire design process, from the use of calming sky gradients in the UI/UX to the use of translucent panels of the pilot booths.  

Sustainability and reusability was also a primary consideration and thus we worked together with SP’s Fablab to design from scratch temporary, yet reusable, carboard furniture that was suitable for public use.

The rPPG station designed was also showcased in the Smart City Expo World Congress 2023, held in Barcelona.